Please help us figure this out...
the practice of taking or paying a tithe (10%).
HISTORICAL(in England) a group of ten householders who lived close together and were collectively responsible for each other's behavior.
We are only refering to Tithe in the context of business models.

What does a sustainable business model looks like?
How does a business behave that values thoughtful creation of quality work more than capital contributions?
We propose the “Basic Tithe Business Model” for your consideration and collaboration.
The Tithe Business Model is a starting point toward developing a Priority Centric System that considers the economic development of global communities, the needs of humanity and the worlds environmental needs.

We propose the “Basic Tithe Business Model” for your consideration and collaboration. We at PCI desire to design and illustrate a sustainable business model that new leaders can use as a guideline or goal.
We need business leaders that are dedicated to world citizenship and the creation of thoughtful work.
A BTBM Board of Directors by design have a ultimate responsibility to World Environmental Priorities and Humanity Priorities.
***BTBM board of directors is an elected group of individuals that represent the company and the shareholders. Every public company must have a board of directors. Some private and nonprofit organizations may also have a board of directors.***
The purpose of the board of directors is to make sure management is acting in the best interests of the BTBM and shareholders.
The board of directors lays at the heart of corporate governance. The Tithe Business Model by laws must be considerate of world environmental needs and humanity needs in addition to the shareholders needs, and not only to the shareholders.
The organization’s bylaws must be designed so that the organization must have a level of transparency that ensures the positive behavior of all its members.

Charity and Philanthropy are important. These organizations can be rated from A+ to F according to Charity Watch. America's most independent, assertive charity watchdog.
Priority Centric would like to discover why anything less than A- is tolerated?

The words Charity and Philanthropy are often used interchangeably, but actually there is a difference between these two concepts. ... Charity tends to be emotional, immediate response which mainly focused on rescue and relief, whereas Philanthropy is more strategic and built on rebuilding.
We submit the Mission Based 501 (c)3 business model for your consideration and your collaboration. A system that considers global community development and humanity’s needs. A sustainable philanthropy model that values thoughtful work and limiting the waste of capital contributions. We believe that only 10% of capital contributions need to be delegated to a mission based 501 (c) as an acceptable fund raiser & administrative fee.
We submit the Mission Based Fundraising Company model for your consideration and your collaboration.
We believe that only 10% of capital contributions need to be delegated to a mission based fundraising company as an acceptable fund raiser fee.
A sustainable business model that in the long-term values thoughtful work and limiting the waste of capital contributions.
"Imagine what we can do when we combine The Giving Pledge with the BTBM Tithe Pledge and the BTPM Tithe Pledge." JJW