What are we doing?

It’s no longer enough to participate in business.  Business must participate with us to become measurably better.  Priority Centric Inc. (PCI) is working to discover what the best version of business is.

It’s no longer enough to participate in philanthropy.  In order to truly participate, there must be reason, purpose and measurable result from all directions  PCI is working to document what the best version of philanthropy is.

It’s no longer enough to want to be the best version of yourself.  We must individually discover the proper resources that will support our efforts to become the best versions of ourselves.  PCI is working to develop resources that will support the efforts of those who desire to be the best version of themselves.

Working with PCI we will discover what the best versions of Business, Philanthropy and "Self" are.

Featured Like -Minded Organizations

Being Like-Minded is extremely important, as we move together towards supporting organizations, systems and solutions that are each committed to creating Opportunities for Positive Change.

This is part of the PCI Partnership and commitment to develop Individuals, Communities, Consensus, Co-operation and Sustainability.

These are critical responibilities.

"It is difficult to develop Global Centered and Humanity Centered Priorities.  Collectively, difficult is just a word.  We are committed to the completion of difficult.  "We" includes "you".  It is possible to accomplish this with the Global Effort of Individuals." RM.


Our goals and value propositions at PCI are to maximize the discovery process and minimize the recovery process.  Create opportunities that capture positive results and help direct others to do the same.

At PCI, we have Captured opportunities. We have Created an organization and are moving to Direct the positive results of our work.



Becomming a like -minded individual or organization.

Create an opportunity, capture positive results and help direct others to do the same.

Create, Capture and Direct

Capture, Create and Direct

Capture an opportunity, create an organization and help direct the positive results.


Today, due to our ability to communicate globally, the world may seem smaller.

Information and the manipulation of information seems limitless.

Priority Centric Inc., is today working to provide a "Safe Place" on the world wide web.  A place where people can trust, as truth.

This is a place for everyone to access pristine data that can responsibly be accessed as irrefutable information.


Priority Centric Inc. is necessary because "Priority Matters" and a search result of 4,301,200,000 is not useful...

PCI, providing superlative information which is applied to make the decisions possible for the world and humanity.

Priority Centric Inc. is working to provide a safe place on the world wide web that people can trust.  We want to provide a place for everyone to access pristine data that can responsibly be turned into undeniable information.

The best information that can be used to make the best decisions possible for the world and humanity.

What came first Priority Centric Inc. or the Priority Centric Inc. Logo???

PC GR CR2020

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